Catalogs & Handbooks
As a University College student seeking a degree in General Studies, your undergraduate catalog will become your new best friend!
Stay on top of your course requirements, as well as the standards and requirements that our students must follow. Those are outlined in the student handbook and the code of student conduct.
If you're looking for your current catalog, visit the University's online catalog for a full list of your courses.
Become familiar with course descriptions, restrictions, pre-requisites and co-requisites for the classes you want to take. Visit with your advisor and become familiar with your course curriculum so you will be clear on where to choose your classes from.
Since we won't tell you exactly what classes to take, you will choose your courses of enrichment, your courses in your concentration area and your courses in your free electives. Cross disciplines and have fun! Choose challenging classes that best fit you, your interests, and support your specific career pursuits.